
Cenex to stage low-carbon vehicle masterclass

A three-day masterclass for fleet managers is taking place next month (9-11 December), which promises to deliver information on all the regulatory and practical issues for introducing low-carbon vehicles.
Hosted by Cenex, the UK's first centre of excellence for low-carbon technologies, the residential course will be held in Loughborough. It will incorporate instruction, workshops and expert seminars, as well as the chance to drive a range of ultra low emission vehicles from Tesla, Nissan and Mitsubishi at nearby Donington Park. The course is part funded by Climate-KIC, the EU's Knowledge Innovation Community. The programme costs €400 and includes workshop activities, accommodation and meals. Financial support may be available for certain candidates, says Cenex. Email or call Charlotte Thiery on 01509 635749 for more details. Deadline for applications is 10 November – click the link below for an application form.

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