
CheckedSafe joins forces with Driving For Better Business

CheckedSafe, UK vehicle compliance and fleet management system, has recently become a partner of the free-to-access and government-backed Driving For Better Business scheme.

Driving For Better Business is a National Highways programme designed to help employers in private and public sectors reduce work-related road risks, control associated costs and improve transport compliance.

CheckedSafe co-director and founder Darran Harris said: “Our comprehensive SaaS platform can be used by businesses of all sizes, across a range of industries to help them manage their fleets efficiently and effectively within an app, at any time and anywhere. We strive to make it easy for businesses to comply with DVSA legislation and compliance requirements - and we’re now used by over 62,000 individual users with 6,500 depots nationwide.

“In October, we also held our very first Transport Compliance Seminar (TCS’22), which was attended by over 250 people and involved guest speakers from the DVSA and Network Rail. The day was a fantastic success and a great opportunity for businesses to get together and learn from one another.”

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