
Driver First Assist offers free accident management training

Nearly half (47%) of commercial vehicle drivers are held up by RTCs (road traffic accidents) on a monthly basis, with 44% delayed by 30—60 minutes, leading 40% to feel under pressure to make up time on their journeys.

That's among top findings of a study by first aid pressure group Driver First Assist (DFA), which is now calling on operators to put one company representative forward to try its collision management course at no cost.

Driver First Assist seeks to reduce road fatalities by providing first-on-the-scene medical training for drivers.

By educating professional drivers, of which there are now 466,600 on UK roads, on how to manage the scene of a collision, DFA predicts road traffic fatalities could be cut by up to 46%.

In addition, the clear-up of accidents would be quicker, getting road users on their way far more quickly, says founder David Higginbottom.

"The good news is that better collision management in the first minutes after a crash can reduce deaths and serious injuries, as well as get everybody back on their way quicker," insists Higginbottom.

"It is positive to see how many respondents recognised the benefits of training to be better able to respond to the scene of an accident," he continues.

"I would like to invite every operator, small or large, to put a representative forward for a free training course, to realise the benefits for themselves."

"Clugston Distribution drivers alone cover nearly 7 million miles a year on UK roads so the more of my drivers I train the more chance we have of positive intervention using DFA training," comments David Heath, head of logistics at Clugston.

"We believe that having a skilled army of DFA-trained individuals on the road network will improve road safety as well as accident clearance times," he adds.

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