
Driver walk-around checks ‘more vital than ever’ – Jaama

Fleet software supplier Jaama is reminding operators of the requirement to ensure all vehicles are roadworthy, following the government’s announcement of a temporary suspension of MOTs during the Covid-19 outbreak.

From 30 March, vans, cars and motorcycles now have a six-month exemption; they join HGVs, trailers and public service vehicles, with the DVSA announcing a three-month exemption for these vehicle types last week (21 March).

Jaama’s MyVehicle app is a smartphone application with a vehicle defect checklist. Information from driver walk-around checks is sent automatically to Jaama’s Key2 asset management system, which then triggers processes such as service, maintenance and repairs.

“With MOTs being suspended for all types of vehicles, including those subject to operator licence conditions, it is vital that drivers are vigilant and undertake daily vehicle checks,” says Martin Evans, managing director of Jaama.

“Tools such as MyVehicle App, that enable drivers’ to ‘self-service’, are an essential requirement for fleet operators, and save significant back office manual intervention.”

With temporary suspensions of MOTs, Evans adds, it is “even more vital” to ensure drivers check their vehicles: “MOTs may have been suspended, but that is no reason to neglect the importance of vehicle defect checks. In fact it makes vehicle maintenance even more important.”

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