
DVSA revises load security guidance in defect manual

The DVSA’s guidance for vehicle examiners, The Categorisation of vehicle defects, has been updated. A new version of the document has been published. The changed rules will be enforced from 1 May 2022. That same day, DVSA will also publish the revised enforcement sanctions policy.

There are significant updates to the load security sections, which includes removing the reference to the load security matrix. There are additional load security defects and notes.

This section, which previously was covered in two pages, now takes four pages, and goes into more specific detail about particular types of loads.

Also included are the loading requirements of EN 12642 XL-rated trailers, in terms of distance to the curtains and to the rear doors.

A number of load security faults that had been assigned the least severe rating, ‘inspection notice’, have been removed. Faults listed in the new load security section are all rated the most severe rating, ‘immediate prohibition’, although in some cases notes offer guidance about cases of extenuating circumstances.

Other updates include vehicles missing an obligatory seat belt, electronic stability control (ESC), suspension joints and overrun brakes.

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