
Electronic fleet driver checks to grow, says ADLV

Online driver checking by fleet managers is likely to increase some 25% year-on-year during 2016, according to the Association for Driving Licence Verification) ADLV, in the wake of the abolition of paper license counterparts last July.

ADLV is encouraging fleet managers to move away from annual checks to at least quarterly reverification – suggesting that that 7,621 people are still driving with 12 points or more on their licence, while a further 36,000 are on the brink of losing their driving licences.

Moving to quarterly checking, it says, reduces the risk of fleet drivers carrying undeclared endorsements – and costs per check are now very low.

Meanwhile, the organisation states that the breadth and type of data now available to fleet managers will enable them to better understand their drivers.

Regular checking, says the ADLV, will help fight issues such as illegal workers in the commercial vehicle sector.

“2016 will be a tipping point for commercial electronic licence checking as fleet managers, HR executives and risk assessors now understand the real potential of frequent electronic checking,” states Richard Payne-Gill deputy chair of ADLV.

“Probably the most significant change will be the evolution of the data itself, including an increase in the number of datasets available,” he continues.

“This is being driven by the demands from fleet managers themselves, who see this new approach as benefitting both fleet management best practice and road-safety.”

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