
Enviroweigh system type approved for front-end loaders

Vehicle Weighing Solutions (VWS) has achieved EU type approval for its Enviroweigh bin-weighing system to be fitted to front-end loading vehicles and used for pay-by-weight services.

Julian Glasspole, VWS chairman, says: “This is great news because we can now provide for every aspect of our customers’ weighing needs, all under one roof.”

The system provides individual bin weights while displaying a cumulative weight total, helping to prevent overloading.

The Enviroweigh system can be installed to most types of RCV and calculates the precise weight of waste collected to accuracies of 0.5% or 1kg. For front-end loading vehicles, the system is certified to an accuracy of 20kg and will list up to 3,500kg.

A data logger records each weight transaction, and the system comes with a ticket printer, a keyboard and a barcode wand to scan on and off customer sites or to assign a customer to a lift.

VWS says Enviroweigh can be integrated with telemetry systems, and comes with an RFID control module plus RFID tag readers.

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