
Gas Vehicle Hub supports growth of gas refuelling stations

A gas vehicle hub refuelling stations request form has been released by CENEX (centre of excellence for low carbon technologies) to help suppliers see where gas truck fleet operators want the new fuel infrastructure.

Theform is on the Gas Vehicle Hub site (, which supports the growth of gas trucks in the UK by providing information on the refuelling infrastructure.

Operators using, or considering switching to, gas vehicles can register their interest in new refuelling station sites, the aim being to build confidence in a demand for stations in specific areas.

Operators input their preferred station location, type of fuel, and type and size of fleet, and CENEX will collate and share the details with station operators around the UK, explains Steve Carrol, technical specialist at CENEX.

"By providing a central hub for current or potential gas fleet operators to register their interest for refuelling stations, the gas vehicle hub refuelling stations request form will help station suppliers gauge demand," he says.

"By making the form accessible to anyone online, the collated voices of the many will boost the chances of success," he adds.

The recent Low Carbon Truck Trial, co-funded by Innovate UK and OLEV (Office for Low Emission Vehicles) identified the lack of refuelling infrastructure as a major barrier to gas vehicle uptake.

"This process has been developed to directly help fleet operators use and refuel gas vehicles as easily as possible," states Carrol.

To access the refuelling stations request form, use the link below.

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