
Near miss captured on truck’s on-board camera

Dramatic footage from a lorry's SmartWitness camera shows a white car overtaking the lorry recklessly, narrowly avoiding a head-on collision with an oncoming vehicle.
The car driver failed to spot the other vehicle and almost caused a three-way collision. See the footage here. SmartWitness says examples of dangerous driving like this are captured on its cameras every day – and is why its systems are proving every more popular with hauliers and fleet managers to improve safety and cut insurance premiums. Simon Marsh, SmartWitness managing director, says he's never seen a closer near miss: "Clearly the HGV driver in this case was blameless, but it's amazing how effective the footage is in improving driver behaviour. We find clients are now more than ever using footage to train drivers and improve road safety." SmartWitness has introduced a new feature called Enhanced Driver Report, which uses data to gauge driver competence over the course of a month. Drivers are graded A to E, enabling fleet managers to identify those in need of retraining or coaching.

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