
Thompsons weighs in with equipment to meet Whole Vehicle Type regulations

Bodybuilder Thompsons has ordered two dynamic weighbridges from Axtec to enable it to comply with the forthcoming EC Whole Vehicle Type Approval (ECWVTA) regulations.
The Axtec 4000 dynamic axle weighbridges will be installed at Thompsons' Blackburn and Croydon plants. The equipment can weigh vehicles in less than 30 seconds to within 0.25% accuracy, giving both individual axle and gross weights. Key to its selection was the small footprint of the weighbridge – the platform occupies an area of just over 2 sqm, compared to around 45 sqm for a conventional plate weighbridge. ECWVTA regulations mean Thompsons will have to weigh every vehicle it produces before issuing a certificate of conformity – without one, a vehicle cannot be registered. Axtec will install the weighbridges during Thompsons' annual shutdown in August, to minimise disruption at the two sites.

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