
VBG launches smart coupling system

To make road transport safer and simpler, a new CAN bus-based electrical infrastructure has been developed which, together with digital sensors, will facilitate functional growth in the future. The company says that this offers development potential for the future and serves as the first step towards digitised functions, which will help drivers to handle coupling functions.

Second, mechanical improvements have resulted in more compact coupling dimensions. The power actuator, manual handle, and VBG’s valve box have also been made smaller and more lightweight, which creates better options for different types of installation on trucks. The products are now also easier to maintain, which saves time and extends the service life.

The main project has been running for several years following field tests in several countries in Europe for more than two years. Certification testing in accordance with UNECE R55 has been approved, so VBG is finally ready to start mass production in Vänersborg.

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