
Volvo safety cab means only cuts and bruises for driver

Looking at what’s left of the cab after this incident on 22 March 2016, it’s hard to imagine that Paul Cooling, a driver for J Medler Haulage of Norwich, was able to walk away with only cuts and bruises.

Yet that’ what happened and Cooling attributes his ‘luck’ to the design and safety features incorporated in his Volvo FH tractor unit he was driving.

The accident, which happened on the eastbound carriageway of the A14 near Welford in Northamptonshire, saw the nearside of the cab sustain heavy impacts to both front and rear as Cooling jack-knifed against the central reservation.

“After the initial impact I remember trying to jack-knife so as not to cross the central reservation,” says Cooling.

While his actions almost certainly prevented him from crossing into on-coming traffic, they also meant the cab took a significant blow to the rear from his own trailer, which was fully loaded with Thermalite blocks.

“I have to say I was absolutely amazed at the integrity of the cab after such a big accident,” states Cooling.

“Before this accident I really liked Volvo trucks. Now I love them! They’re the best truck in the world and I honestly believe I’m still here thanks to the safe design and build quality of Volvo.”

Cooling returned to work just three weeks later with a scar running from above his left eye up across his forehead the only lasting damage.

“I have to say I was surprised that Paul walked away with comparatively minor injuries after such a serious accident,” comments Dean Medler, managing director of J Medler Haulage.

“I believe this accident has reassured me and our drivers that Volvo trucks are indeed the safe choice and I am therefore glad that our entire fleet bears the iron mark.”

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