Aerodynamic database is global first from Horiba Mira 22 November 2016

Vehicle engineering test and consultancy specialist Horiba Mira has launched an online aerodynamics database that provides wind tunnel data for light commercial vehicles and cars.

Dubbed Aero-Data, this first-of-a-kind website can access aerodynamic data from more than eight years of independent testing in the organisation’s full scale wind tunnel, and covers more than 50 vehicles.

Richard Adams, business development manager at Horiba Mira, says that in addition to offering standard forces and moments data, the website delivers accurate frontal area information – enabling an accurate calculation of each vehicle’s drag coefficient.

He also says that whereas, traditionally, aerodynamic data from vehicle OEMs has not been comparable, due to differences in wind tunnel design and variations in testing, this data is based on consistent procedures, so direct and accurate comparisons can now be made.

“Historically manufacturers have had to undertake their own extensive benchmarking programmes to gain a clear understanding of how their vehicles compare in the marketplace,” states Adams.

“Similarly, academic researchers are very often reliant on data from a variety of sources, which isn’t always easy to compare,” he continues.

“With the introduction of Horiba Mira’s Aero-Data site, manufacturers, researchers and fleet operators now have direct online access to a reliable source of aerodynamic data.”

Brian Tinham

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