Fastest fuel card application from Fuelcard People 08 June 2015

HGV operators can now get a new fuel card faster than ever, using an online application service, according to The Fuelcard People.

Truck operators can now compare the benefits offered by each fuel card, choose the right card for their individual requirements and submit their application, all within a single, short site visit, says Steve Clarke, group marketing manager for The Fuelcard People.

"The whole point of fuel cards is to save money, by directly cutting fuel costs and saving customers time wherever possible," states Clarke.

"We have always saved truckers time on the forecourt and minimised administration time in the office," he continues.

"Now we have extended time savings to the application process, while still ensuring that every customer finds exactly the right fuel card for their specific needs."

On the new website, hauliers are shown fuel cards offering the best possible combination of service, savings and security for their specific circumstances.

A further click enables them to apply immediately.

Brian Tinham

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The Fuelcard People

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