Go for the right van conversion: Cartwright26 July 2016

Cartwright Conversions is advising that van operators seeing good growth in their businesses don’t simply need new vehicles, but vans customised to their specific requirements.

“There has been a huge expansion of the van conversion market lately as businesses focus on making sure they get the best value out of their new vehicles,” comments David Healy, commercial director at the Doncaster, South Yorkshire-based converter.

“They want to ensure their enterprises run as efficiently as possible, and a well thought out conversion can deliver a number of efficiencies that continually boost a business’ bottom line,” he explains.

“Customised racking, for instance, saves time because staff can quickly find the right tools for a job. Indeed some of our customers found that they could fit more jobs in during a day.”

Healy also advises that companies can downsize to smaller vans that are cheaper to run if a skilled converter designs the right racking system.”

Cartwright offers three types of racking - steel modular racking, mobile racking and mini racking, for small vehicles such as the Bipper.

Brian Tinham

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