Midland Cryogenics boosts safety, efficiency and compliance with Masternaut05 November 2015

Midland Cryogenics says it has improved efficiency, compliance and driver behaviour after implementing a telematics system from Masternaut across its fleet of vans.

The vehicles transport liquid nitrogen and Masternaut Connect is helping the business to ensure compliance with its duty of care obligations.

The Wolverhampton-based firm uses the system to locate, track and monitor vehicles – enabling vans to be despatched to additional jobs while already out on the road.

The company is also monitoring driver behaviour, with the system providing data on speeding, idling, mileage and harsh events. Reducing speeding is particularly important, with the transportation of dangerous chemicals.

Donna Burgess-Jowsey, general manager of Midland Cryogenics, says: “Our fleet isn’t the biggest, but the nature of our work means we need to keep our drivers safe, while equally keeping processes efficient and compliant.”

Telematics, she adds, has been “a huge help” in this: “We can ensure our job scheduling is efficient by tasking the closest driver to a job nearby, we have the data to back up our work history if any invoicing issues were to arise, and we know our drivers are staying safe and not speeding, which could put them at risk.

“When you’re in charge a fleet of vehicles, it’s vital to have an easily accessible and user-friendly system, and Masternaut has provided that.”

Laura Cork

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Masternaut Ltd

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