Multi-camera kit from Intelligent Installations 14 October 2014

Intelligent Installations has introduced multi-camera equipment for commercial vehicles that combine internal and external cameras, mobile DVRs (digital video recorders) and proximity sensors.

Errin McNamee, director of Intelligent Installations, says the new systems will help improve road safety, reduce insurance costs and comply with accreditation initiatives such as FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme).

"This range has been developed to not only help improve road safety and enhance driver behaviour, but also capture video footage in the event of an incident to defend against wrongful driving allegations and reduce costly insurance claims," states McNamee.

"We provide a managed solution, including all installation and ongoing support, making us the ideal partner for all commercial vehicle operators."

All the external cameras come with IP67 or IP69 enclosure ratings, with robust steel casings and aviation-style cabling with secure screw type connectors.

Meanwhile, remote health check, using a wifi network at a depot, alerts of any issues – so minimising vehicle downtime and eliminating any potential loss of video footage, says McNamee.

Brian Tinham

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