Quarry operator hits milestone as 5,000th FORS member13 July 2018

Quarry operator and aggregates merchant J Suttle Transport has become the 5,000th member of the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS).

The Dorset-based operator has achieved FORS Bronze status and, says director John Suttle, is “already committed to progressing through the next stages”.

He adds: “We were very pleasantly surprised when FORS told us we had become such a notable milestone marker... and we’re looking forward to improving fuel economy and running a more sustainable fleet.”

FORS director John Hix says: “It’s a proud day for the FORS team and all our members, too – for everyone, in fact, who is connected with FORS and has worked tirelessly over the last 10 years to drive up standards in the road transport sector.”

Hix is pictured, left, with John Suttle and Christina O’Keeffe, FORS helpline team leader.

Laura Cork

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