Sainsbury’s at front of the queue with safer lorries for London01 August 2014

Supermarket giant Sainsbury's has unveiled a new lorry, designed with Mercedes and Solomon, which it says will be "the safest on the road" for cyclists, pedestrians and other road users.

The Mercedes-Benz Antos 1824L – unveiled by London mayor Boris Johnson earlier this week – features cameras on the front, rear and side of the vehicle, additional side lighting and extended side and rear guards.

The vehicle's high-spec safety kit includes proximity sensors on the sides of the truck, side guard extensions with reflective in-fills, a warning sticker to alert cyclists or pedestrians that they are in the driver's blind spot, and an audible warning when the tail-lift is being operated.

"This is an important step in our work to make London's roads safer," says Roger Burnley, retail and operations director for Sainsbury's. "We've put an enormous amount of thought and research into creating a truck that we hope will be the safest on the road – for all road users."

The retailer is putting seven of the vehicles into service immediately, with nine more on order.

The new Mercedes Antos range replaces Axor and Actros day cab models, and is offered as 18- or 26-tonne rigids, as well as 4x2, 6x2, or on-road 6x4 tractors.

Laura Cork

Related Companies
Mercedes Benz Uk Limited
Solomon Commercials Ltd

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